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Call for proposals!

Updated: Oct 3, 2022


presenting at the International Dramatherapy Conference in The Netherlands

With the power to imagine, we create spacious narratives. Imagination can take us to places and paint the world in the colours we want. It makes us believe that things can be different. Imagination helps us to build curiosity, to acquire experience and knowledge about the world, to better understand another person's perspective, to adapt with agility, to flourish through adversity, to ignite motivation, to creatively connect, innovate and overcome challenges. Through imagination we conceive and interact with artistic works. Imagination has the extraordinary capacity to dimensionalise and shape our past, present and future reality, give meaning and hope. It is an area where it is possible to be free. But imagination that is out of control may lead to helplessness, hopelessness, anxiety, suspicion, conspiracy or (territorial-) aggression. An imagination that is better directed may help contain them. See our attachment in this post or view the website for more information!

Call for proposals International Dramatherapy Conference EFD & WADth Netherlands 2023
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